Cluster25 has become partner of DNS0 Project
By Cluster25 Threat Intel Team
May 2, 2023

We are pleased to announce to have become a partner of the DNS0 Project, the European security-oriented DNS born to protect citizens and organizations in the European Union. DNS0, with its 55 datacenters in 27 European cities, offers an industry-leading GDPR-compliant DNS applicable in contexts of all sizes as an alternative to similar non-EU services. Cluster25, on the other hand, provides entities and organizations with actionable insights and intelligence employing advanced technologies to proactively discover malicious infrastructures and analyze a wide range of sources every day. Starting April 27, 2023, Cluster25 started sharing its APT, Phishing / Fraud and Malware indicators with DNS0 to further raise its users’ security levels. Cluster25 was allowed access to DNS0 telemetries, thus extending its visibility on threats of all kinds in the European context through a dataset of millions of resolution requests already processed and blocked.
More information about how to set up DNS0 on your device at