Making office-grade security omnipresent

The DuskRise platform empowers security teams with remote network visibility, policy enforcement capabilities, and actionable threat intelligence insights.

Manage all your remote users with ease

Gain real-time visibility

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Enforce network policy

Empower your remote workforce and SecOps team with simple and intuitive tools for a beautiful decentralized work experience.

Gain real-time visibility

Benefit from our AI and threat intelligence capabilities to design your security strategy and ensure protection from threats.

Secure coverage for every remote network

The DuskRise technology creates secure segments on remote employees’ networks, separating the connection they use to access their workstation from the one that hosts their household or personal IoT devices.

Efficient network policy implementation

We’ve made sure to provide capabilities for both granular and general policy implementation. This way, your security team is free to define, enforce, and update policy rules for individual users, groups of users, and all remote users without distinction.

Intelligent insights

Leverage our in-house AI and ML competencies to augment the capabilities of your security team. We process massive amounts of data and distil critical insights to ensure effective anomaly detection. This helps you reduce the time and knowledge needed to gather, analyze, and integrate data that plays a critical role in your decision-making.

Network-based threat detection

The DuskRise platform allows you to intercept and block malicious activity at the edge of the network, preventing the infection from spreading into the corporate system. The Cluster25 team produces effective control and prevention filters for blazing-fast threat detection, powered by original in-house research.

Cover the new attack surface

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