Sector: Sector 3 “Aerospace”, “Security” and “Automotive and Sustainable Mobility”
Regional Program ERDF Lazio – 2021-2027
Development of new devices and cyber threat intelligence technologies for Supply Chain security – SPICH
Summary and Objectives The objectives of the SPICH project can be summarized as the application of cyber security to Supply Chains by leveraging technological approaches and innovative technologies such as Threat Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and Network Detection and Response.
More specifically, the project aims to create a cybersecurity system for the management, monitoring, and counteraction of threats to Supply Chains (and indirectly, for combating cybercrime) based on the combined use of Threat Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and NDR solutions.
Total Project Cost: € 1,339,078.10
Total Contribution: € 819,364.29
Total Duration: 18 months
The Partners
The SPICH project is carried out by DUSKRISE ITALIA S.p.A. (Lead Partner) and SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME Department of Management.