Addressing security needs in the new market reality.

Securing the link between homes and critical infrastructure

Power and utility systems are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to their strategic activities and access to citizens' sensitive data. In the United States and around the world, the risk of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure is a growing concern.

The civil infrastructure of a city or town can suffer greatly if compromised. Most minds go toward data breaches and personal information being sold, which is a serious concern. However, the other side of the issue is services and facilities such as hospitals, food supply, transportation services, etc. being locked down and inoperational.
At minimum 78% of these attacks are financially motivated, meaning systems could be off line for as long as the bad actors are willing to negotiate their demands.

The energy industry was the third most targeted sector for cyberattacks in 2020. – International Business Machines Corp Report, WSJ

Remote network is now the office network

Replicate office cybersecurity controls in all your remote locations with the DuskRise network edge security platform.


Secure IoT router easily connected to employees' Wi-Fi


App for an ultra fast set up process and cybersecurity insights


Sleek web-tool for policy implementation and monitoring


Secure AI solution powered by Cluster25 threat intelligence

Many vulnerabilities. One platform to combat them all.

The DuskRise solution not only provides protection with the latest industry-leading technologies, but also delivers robust industry-specific threat intelligence and risk exposure overview.
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